As you put together your estate plan, it's smart to invest in final expense insurance coverage. What makes a good final expense plan, is how it is set up and the company you choose. Most companies have in their policies a minimum of at least a 30 to 45 day period, and in the case of brand new policies sometimes up to 2 to 4 months before their beneficiaries receive their claim. As you know most funerals need to be paid for within a 48-hour period. To avoid your family having to pay out of their own pocket, while they wait to receive their check in the mail, it's crucial to have an experienced brokerage on your side to mediate and find the right company whose plans are designed to payout within a 48 hour period. Definitive Solutions Brokerage LLC is based in Hammonton, NJ, offering assistance to local individuals and business owners and their staff for more than a decade. We'll help you get the final expense coverage you need with an adaptable payment plan.
Learn more about your final expense insurance options by speaking with one of our brokers today. We're happy to answer any questions you have.
Everyone has different financial limits, so it's important to find insurance coverage that fits within your budget. We can set up your final expense insurance payments...